Again...back to me to update you on the goings on of the reserve after Chris' kind contribution. Really interesting to hear about some of the monitoring on site. Hodbarrow is an amazing site not only brilliant wildlife but also the brilliant people. The community have really got behind the project and the things we are doing so big thanks to all for that. It shows with the volunteers that we have as well as the people I meet around site. Everyone loves Hodbarrow and what's not to love?

The waders have arrived at Hodbarrow and at rising or hide tide there a large numbers of redshank returning from their breeding grounds. I have counted 300+but I'm sure there are larger numbers obscured by the long vegetation. You can also see flocks on the mud on the estuary. Seeing these graceful birds fly low over head whilst walking on the sea wall is amazing. Within those flocks are small numbers of dunlin many with their breeding plumage still visible. The black feathers on their bellies will be moulting in the next few weeks to leave a pale areas. There are also the usual lapwing and oystercatchers on the island as well. In the scrub and trees some juvenile birds have been seen but it's very quiet at the moment. On the sea wall a I've caught up with a Wheatear and a couple of Pied wagtails moving up and down the blocks and on the slag. 

Again the wildfowl seem to be enjoying the area near where people feed the ducks. Pochard, Red-breasted Merganser, Tufted duck all seem to love hanging out there perhaps taking advantage of the abundance of small fry that you can see from the duck feeding area. 

Anyway hope you can get down and have a look and please add any sightings to this post

