What a few weeks we have had. Going from snow drifts to sunshine. Although there are still drifts in the sheltered areas of the reserve it is starting to feel a little bit like spring (dare I say it!)

The big news of the week is the return of Sandwich Terns to the reserve. They are the first Terns to come back from their wintering grounds to Cumbria every year. It was great to hear and see them out on the mudflats on the estuary today. This is my first sighting of them for the year and I hope to have many more.

  (Picture showing Sandwich Terns with a back drop of Millom - M.Maclauchlan)

This picture shows them feeding young in the summer (Photo - Christine Redgate (another brilliant shot!!). An adult feeding it's chicks is something we want to see this summer particularly with all of our improvement work we have been doing.

 (Photo Christine Redgate)

Other birds on the reserve looking on the board in the hide someone has had pintail, merlin and scaup. The seals that have been sitting on white rock are still liking that corner of Hodbarrow and are seen regularly in that area. Eider and Red-breasted Merganser numbers have increased and are everywhere on the reserve and in the estuary. Snipe, redshank, lapwing and oystercatcher are visible from the hide aswell.

Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be seeing a few more birds returning but with the Sandwich Terns back on the reserve it's starting to feel alot like Spring!

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