Wow what an afternoon I've had! Heading down to the reserve the sun was shining and the birds were singing! It was actually quite warm in the sun. When I got onto the reserve the usual Great Crested Grebe gang that have been making themselves at home near to where people feed the ducks were there chattering away. At White rock I sat down on the bench and set up my scope. With the calling of Sandwhich terns in my ears looking out to the estuary was amazing.

Food was obviously plentiful with a large flock of Terns diving into the water. In the same flock were three Gannets folding their wings and diving with the terns - amazing sight! I sat for a wee while looking at them through the telescope. If anyone is down that way and doesn't normally look out to sea then it really is worth it!

On the lagoon eider numbers are really high at the moment - they are everywhere! As are red-breasted mergansers aswell. Lapwing and oystercatcher are all getting noisy suggesting one thing...they are busy setting up territories and attracting that special someone!

Finally with all this going the icing on the cake was my frst wheatear (there has been others but I haven't seen them) and also two chiffchaffs calling and two sand martins over the quarry pool. This is the first of both these little fellas to return to the reserve (unless anyone has a earlier date I'm not aware of).


The sun was out, the birds are returning and getting noisy......can I say it it spring?

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