What a great time of year it is just now! It was a nice (hot almost)  day  here yesterday at Hodbarrow and the birds were everywhere. We now have migrants everywhere in the scrub with several whitethroat and sedge warblers being noisy throughout the reserve. There were 3 wheatears bobbing around on the slag at the sea wall. willow warblers and chiff chaffs are also enjoying the sun and are dotted in the willows.

  Photo Chris Redgate

There are several pairs of great crested grebe on the reserve and they seem to be quite easy to see. Where people feed the ducks there are a couple of pairs there but also other places around the lagoon. There is a new nest being built in front of the hide to the left of the island - I think they are showing off their building skills. Eider are particularly abundant and noisey! Making that amazing sound they do http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/e/eider/index.aspx (play the sound on our website - it's amazing!) At the old quarry the other day there were 20+ swallows and sand martins all diving and swooping for the insects next to the water.

If you got to the hide at all you would may have heard a large flock of little tern calling out and wondered where they all were. We have been playing this sound at set times of the day in order to entice the little terns in to the area. We have also put out the little tern decoys I mentioned in my previous post. So if you do manage to count 36 little terns they might just be the decoys which are extremely life like thanks to Norm's wife Sarah! Each one is in a different positions with the head looking different ways.

The Seals are also still enjoying the low tide near the lighthouse with three seen there most days - stop and have a look!

Finally I have a stall at the Millom churches community open day at the Millom Network Centre tomorrow from 12. It's free and there were hundred's of people there last year. Please come and say hello and maybe take part in a craft or two (there will be a BBQ)!!