
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year. Having returned back on wednesday from a festive holiday over the other side of the pennines I was excited to get back down and see what was about at Hodbarrow. For those of you who have already started your list for the year the Slavonian grebe and green-winged teal are still on the lagoon and would be an excellent tick to start the year. Brilliant birds to see non the less without a list to tick.

Other highlights include Little Egrets still coming into to roost at night. Large numbers of Lapwing, teal and redshank from the hide aswell as goldeneye, pochard, Red-Breasted Merganser. Bullfinch, long-tailed tit throughout the scrub and woodland. Sadly thrushes are a bit thin on the ground at the moment.




  • Happy New Year !

    I visited Hodbarrow today and saw a group of approximately 40 Whooper Swans - adults and juveniles. Are they a regular visitor in such numbers ? Also was a little concerned about the water levels as significant parts of the islands were under water - is there  a water level control on the lagoon?



  • Happy New Year !

    I visited Hodbarrow today and saw a group of approximately 40 Whooper Swans - adults and juveniles. Are they a regular visitor in such numbers ? Also was a little concerned about the water levels as significant parts of the islands were under water - is there  a water level control on the lagoon?



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