Here’s the obligatory hello from the new warden. As many of you will know (particularly from recent newspaper headlines) after fighting of 87 other applicants Hodbarrow has a new warden. My name is Mhairi Maclauchlan and I started my new role on Tuesday following a quick drive over the Pennines from Blacktoft Sands where I was based up until a week ago. After being shown around and a few bits of admin I am now a fully fledged member of the Hodbarrow team. Until recently the site has been managed solely by Norman and Dave up at RSPB Campfield Marsh which is a 2 hour trip! Adding me to this team means that there will be a warden on the ground and ensure Hodbarrow will get the attention it deserves. The main aim of my work here will be to get to know the local community and try and promote the reserve including its wonderful birds and wildlife. This isn’t hard considering what I’ve seen so far! An early morning walk yesterday and I managed to catch up with all sorts of birding excitements.

The grebes and the eiders stuck out for me yesterday. The amazing sound of the eiders over the lagoon as they called to each other really is magical especially on a still day. The great crested grebes were really getting into their trademark courtship head bobbing near the duck feeding platform which is truely  an amazing sight considering you only have to walk a few metres from your car to see it! However that was two of the birds on the reserve I enjoyed there was much much more! The Sandwhich terns that are now growing in numbers flying over me as I walked along the sea wall, the numbers of small birds including linnet, willow warbler, chiff chaff, bullfinch and Blackcap all singing out in the trees and scrub near the car park, the large numbers of beautiful mergansers dotted around the reserve.....the list goes on and there so much more for me to explore while i'm here!

Having looked on the community site I realise it hasn’t been update all that much in recent times ( Norman has being doing his best!). I’m going to be regularly writing a blog, adding to the forum and generally keeping everyone up to date with everything happening at Hodbarrow. If you live near by and want to get in touch with me regarding volunteering or fact.... anything Hodbarrow related I’m based at Millom Network Centre pop in for a chat!


A little distant but the Great crested grebes doing their thing at Hodbarrow Yesterday and what a view below from the sea wall. (The many black dots are the midgies that were cetainly enjoying the calm weather)