What a great afternoon we had on Wednesday. It was the Hodbarrow Community Clean Up and with a crowd of about fourteen we managed to tackle some of the litter and fly tipping hot spots at Hodbarrow.


A BIG THANK YOU to all that attended it really has made a big difference to the site and ultimately the wildlife.


Tyres and Tiles were the order of the day with a few car seats and even a bikini (!?) thrown in for good measure. Hopefull with the place looking all clean and tidy it might encourage other people not to drop litter on site and make it a nice place for everyone involved! Great day! Oh and a big thank you to the Tesco Team that came down they were amazing and really got stuck in.

The full Truck at the end of the day (Provided by Copeland Borough Council who also gave us the equipment such as litter pickers for the day - THANK YOU!)

Andy a newly signed up RSPB volunteer and Hodbarrow regular showing of one of the mounds of rubbish collected (You can tell he's been working!)

Bird wise on the reserve the Tern numbers seem to be quieting down some what but Little Terns are still being seen regularly. Unfortunately the Black winged stilt that graced us with it's presence was short lived and didn't stick around too long. Sorry if you didn't manage to catch up with it. Warblers - the usual are about white throat, lesser white throat, sedge and willow are all regulars. Some of the duck and geese are starting to emerge with young as well which is nice. The flowers have sprung to life around site and orchids are everywhere!


Anyway thats it from me for now


