Looking out the window here there's not much going on except rain rain and more rain! The weather forecast looks better for tomorrow so fingers crossed!!

I was down late afternoon yesterday and I had to have a double take when looking at the scrub opposite where people feed the ducks. My highest count of Little Egret had been 7, 8 at best. Last night when I left there were12 birds that had made the journey to Hodbarrow to tuck in for the night. This was a great sight to see 12 large white birds shapes in the distance. Every so often they had a shifty round that area of the lagoon only to settle in the same place again.

Fieldfare continue to increase in numbers around the reserve aswell. Despite many sightings of waxwing throughout the country and cumbria I still haven't even had a sniff (or a fly over as Walney did). If anyone has had any close to or on the reserve please let us know on here.

I'll be down on the reserve tomorrow and will have a more detailed update then


  • Oh and also worth mentioning that much of the track from the carpark around to the quarry pool is flooded with some bits unpassable without wellies (or snorkel perhaps!). You can still access the rest of the site by going through the main bit of grassland taking the path that branches right from the track as you come from the carpark.

    Cheers Mhairi

  • This morning we had 8 whooper over the reserve, 380+ lapwing on the islands, Snipe and fieldfare throughout. Green-Winged teal is still there with the teal near the island in front of the hide.