Thanks to Tony Baker for giving up a precious Sunday morning to lead a much undersubscribed walk around HOM. It was good to get right out onto the estuary with the benefit of such mind boggling ID skills though Tony was nearly 'foxed' by what turned out to be a white pheasant! Highlights were at least 1000 Knot still hanging out on the mudflats and about 3 Common Terns fishing where the inlet to a breach meets the river. Alarm calls from Oystercatchers betrayed nesting and the odd Lapwing chick was noted with many adults feeding with sheep on the salt-marsh. About 30 Shelduck were spread around the fields and the reserve including one brood on the banks of a channel. Singing Sedge and Reed Warblers and Buntings and Meadow Pipits and Skylarks were in abundance. A couple of Little Egrets and 3 Avocets including a pair mating were seen along with a Peregrine and Buzzard. In spite of so much dry weather the marsh is beginning to 'green up' and with dull skies cutting down glare and near windless conditions a good morning was had.