...at least as far as birdwatchers are concerned! The one this week, “Hurricane Gonzalo” brought a North American Lesser Yellowlegs to our Hayle Estuary nature reserve on Tuesday – and a busload of admirers, some of whom were still there today when yours truly managed to take this photo of it. Although we’ve had them before this is only our 7th and at present the only one sighted in the UK. I say “only” but seven is quite a lot and most British estuaries would be justifiably envious of such a total – due of course to our geographical location: Hayle being the closest estuary in the UK to North America!


At present the bird is at Copperhouse Creek, the eastern arm of the Hayle Estuary and visible either from the main car park in the town or from the King George V Memorial Walk along the north shore so do pop in if you are passing. Let’s hope its stay mimics that of the 2003 individual which turned up on 20th October and stayed until 3rd May the following year!


Good birding from Dave Flumm

Dedicated to Cornwall's wildlife