The volunteers and I will be working at Ryan's Field for the next couple of weeks to give the hide and other furniture a fresh lick of paint and to fill in the major potholes in the car park.  We are always looking for extra volunteers to help out so please get in touch if you have some spare time this month to help out.  You may have also noticed the shiney new fence along the legnth of the track to the hide.  This was recently installed by Network Rail and we hope that it will deter flytippers leaving rubbish in our car park in the future.  It is a shame however that the contractors installing the fence forgot to remove the rubbish already there before putting the fence up but we hope to reach Network Rail and get them back to finish the job properly.

Finally, we saw black-tailed godwit, common sandpiper, grey plover, curlew, oystercatcher and redshank in the field on Tuesday.

Dedicated to Cornwall's wildlife