Although quite a rarity in the far west, Spoonbills are almost annual at Hayle Estuary so it wasn't a total surprise when one turned up on Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August. A supporting cast included 24 Wigeon, 46 Teal, 5 Ringed Plover, 150 Curlew, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 8 Dunlin and 4 Med Gulls. Advance warning: On 30th September, Network Rail will be undertaking bridge repairs at the entrance to our car park at Ryan's Field. They plan to close the road here (Chenhall's Rd) until their work is complete 15th November so access to our car park and hide will not be possible during this time from the road. If you are planning to visit during this time please park in the town instead. You can still gain access to our hide from the adjacent footpath or from Hayle Causeway - Hayle River. Thanks in advance for your patience in this matter.

Site Manager, Cornwall reserves