Following a productive meeting with RNAS Culdrose on 3rd April, I am happy to report they are to instruct their squadrons not to use our Hayle and Marazion reserves in future for their low flying training exercises.  Although there are still other organisations that occasionally overfly the area and flush all the birds off the reserves, these are sporadic by comparison.  I am therefore very grateful to the local Air Station for their cooperation and let's hope we get our birds back!

With the prolonged cold weather, many of the overwintering waders, Wigeon and Teal are still around and although relatively late in the year now, it has been a surprise to see Swallows, Sand Martins, Chiffchaffs, Wheatears and the odd Firecrest arriving in the arctic conditions. There has been quite a passage of Sandwich Terns too with a peak count of 76 on 22nd March. An early Arctic Tern joined one group at Porth Kidney on 3rd April. Other notables have been 1-2 little Ringed Plovers at Ryan's Field, a Pink-footed Goose for a day (31st March) on the main estuary and the Water Pipit at Copperhouse may still be present at the time of writing.

Site Manager, Cornwall reserves