Our Oystercatcher pair on one of the shingle islands at Ryan's Field have fledged two young.  As far as we know these are the only nesting Oystercatchers in west Cornwall. At present we have one pair of Shelduck with 5 ducklings on Lelant Water - although we are hoping for more!  The late spring migration has been rather quiet but a Great White Egret flew over on 4th May and a Spoonbill took up residence over 13th-15th May. An unseasonal Iceland Gull showed briefly on 20th May but as I write this today, 20th June we have 4 Med Gulls at Carnsew Pool - are these late spring or early autumn migrants I wonder?

We have now addressed the grafitti in the hide and repainted all the walls.  Although the culprits were never caught, it has been quiet on the vandalism-front lately although we suspect they have moved into Hayle where a number of similar episodes have occurred recently.

We will shortly be tackling the overgrown path network - so if anyone wants to help please contact us.

Good birding!

Jenny Parker

Dedicated to Cornwall's wildlife