We are already half way through March but with the departure of most of our wintering wildfowl and waders, it has been a slow start to the spring migration. Good numbers of Lesser Black-backed Gulls are always a feature at this time of year and amongst the several hundred there have been occasional sightings of Glaucous and Iceland. A count of 24 Med Gulls on 8th March was a good number. Most of the Wigeon and Teal have now gone and we are awaiting the wader passage but so far have only recorded a few Black and Bar-tailed Godwits. Our first Common Sandpiper occurred 5th March whilst a count of 40 Redshank on Ryan's Field 11th March was a high count for that locality and would have included a few passage migrants. No doubt the next few weeks will see an increase in waders passing through and we look forward to the spring flocks of Whimbrel which are so much a feature here. Look out for them at Porth Kidney Beach at the mouth of the estuary if you are passing.

Site Manager, Cornwall reserves