I've just returned from the estuary and can confirm that the adult drake Long-tailed Duck is still present at Carnsew, having arrived a few days ago.  This may not be particularly unusual 'up country' but it must be ten years since we hosted one here and adult drakes are even rarer in Cornwall.  Also today on the main estuary at Lelant Water were 22 Shelduck, over a thousand Wigeon and the two Brent Geese which have also been around a few days but oddly were feeding side by side today.  I say "oddly" because they are of two different races, Pale-bellied and Dark-bellied so they certainly won't have arrived together, originating in different parts of the planet!

The Spoonbill is also still here and at lunchtime today was feeding in the lagoon in front of the hide at Ryan's Field.

So all in all , lots to see at Hayle at the moment...

Good birding!

Site Manager, Cornwall reserves