Vandals strike the RSPB bird hide

The Eric Grace Memorial hide has stood the test of time, it was opened in 1996 by Andrew George at since has seen persistent acts of vandalism.  Before it was even built the roof was stolen, later the door was smashed in on no less than five occasions until staff decided it was too much of a hazard to leave on, the benches demolished several times, the notice boards smashed, the leaflets burnt on a regular basis and just lately it has been targeted with graffiti.    Two weeks ago graffiti was posted on almost every surface in the hide, since then a local volunteer has cleaned up dozens of smashed bottle and just this morning found the leaflet dispenses smashed.  I suspect this will continue until those responsible are caught in the act.  The police have agreed to check the area more often during their regular patrol but if you see anything suspicious please call the police.  The hide will be cleaned up but not until the perpetrators have been moved on.

The RSPB staff, volunteers and the local police are aware that Ryan’s Field attracts unsavoury behaviour late at night, particularly under the A30 viaduct, which does not belong to the RSPB and we are doing all we can to prevent criminal activity but please do contact us if you have any information to share or the police if you see criminal activity.

Call the Police on 101

Dedicated to Cornwall's wildlife