The end of September has seen a real influx of birds to the reserve, doubtless due to the damp, foggy weather conditions coupled with a strong easterly wind. Star of the show has undoubtedly been a Black-winged Stilt. This is our first in 25 years and only our second ever after a spring bird, 3rd May 1988. Fortunately, for the dozens of admirers with this autumn individual, the bird is still there today, 30th September. In support there are a few Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Ringed and Grey Plover, Bar and Black-tailed Godwit and, amongst the wildfowl, a flock of 10 Pintail, quite a rarity here. An Osprey is also here at present, turning up the same day as the stilt. Unusually, it has been seen fishing in the lagoon in front of our hide at Ryan's Field. It is unlikely to catch much there, however, as the site is too shallow for anything bigger than a Grey Mullet - indeed it seems to be having more luck at the main estuary, Lelant Water. So if you are passing this way make sure you pop in for a visit - and good birding!

Site Manager, Cornwall reserves