Hello and welcome back to another blog from the team here at Greylake, Swell Wood and West Sedgemoor.

Now sadly this is my last blog as I am on the move north to Shetland! But don’t panic as I’m sure that Kathryn and Fiona will carry on producing outstanding blogs!

The week has been very busy with lots of hedging and coppicing. We have completed one hedge so far and have started on the second hedge at Fivehead and with another one planned there is still plenty more to do! The Fivehead hedge is going quickly the wall of bramble is slowly disappearing and some of the material has been laid. Seeing the progress, we have made is very rewarding. However, I have enjoyed hedge laying but I have started to question life, the universe and everything … (the answer is 42)! Despite the motivation dwindling thinking about the brown hairstreak eggs on previous hedges keeps me plodding along!

Brown Hairstreak by Harry Paget-Wilkes

At Greylake this week there is still plenty to see. After a short stroll around the paths ducks and waders were plentiful from the hide and the reeds and trees were alive with the song of birds. A perfect way to blow of the cobwebs and explore for the early signs of spring.

Speaking of spring at Swell Wood the glade and ride project is nearing an end. The woodland walk is now looking great more trees will be removed in autumn this year. Hopefully the open areas will increase the abundance of plants and flowers. Finishing the project comes at a good time as we have taken the decision to close the heronry hide. We did last year to allow the herons some space to establish territories and build nests without disturbance. Hopefully like last year this will encourage many of the herons to set up close to the hide providing everyone who visits with a great spectacle.

Heron by rspb images

Heron by RSPB Images 

The hide will be closed from 1 February and should be open by 1 March at the latest. So keep an eye out for an update about the hide reopening so you can enjoy this fantastic spectacle.  Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience caused. For more information please contact swell.wood@rspb.org.uk 

Well that’s all for this week,

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish…. Tom.

West Sedgemoor Residential Volunteering team

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