Re-opening announcement Tada

We’re excited to be able to re-open some of our facilities for you on 2 December at Swell Wood and Greylake!

We are in Tier 2, so here's a quick summary of what’s available at Swell Wood and Greylake:

Red car Car parks open 

Evergreen tree Reserve trails open 

Cake Picnic Areas open

Bird Hides open

We love hearing how Swell Wood and Greylake bring you enjoyment and solace in these challenging times and want you to be able to enjoy your visits safely:

When visiting us please follow all current Government guidance around social distancing, maximum group sizes, hygiene and follow all signage on-site.

Please also follow Government guidance on travel both within Tier 2 and between tiers.

We ask that all visitors, except those who are exempt from doing so, please wear a face-covering while in our hides. Mask

For the latest RSPB Covid-19 updates please visit: or keep up to date with our Facebook and Twitter pages. We are @RSPBHamWall on both.