Last Saturday (12th) two pairs of peregrine were seen frequently throughout the day from the hide at Greylake. They were mostly seen perched on the various fence and gate posts, but every now and then they would fly over the ducks and waders feeding on the ground and in the water, bringing them all up in large flocks. At one point, and with great speed, a teal – itself too slow moving up into the air - was caught a couple of metres from the ground by a lightening strike from one peregrine. The predator flew low and fast across the front of the hide, and after seizing its victim continued by then plucking it whilst perched on a nearby post.

A female merlin was also showing nicely on both Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th, perched again on the nearby fence posts and patiently waiting for onlookers to enjoy, and take in, her characteristic details; a small, compact figure with relatively short tail, a pale buff breast streaked with brown contrasting the mainly brown back with barred tail- check out the RSPB Handbook of British Birds for more details!


Lastly, although further away from the hide, marsh and hen harrier were still also seen at points- we know they’re about, and I’m sure other people will be getting far better sightings!!!