I’m asked many different questions when I’m out and about on the reserve. What’s that bird? Can I join the RSPB? and Where’s the nearest toilet? Most I can usually answer easily but one over the weekend from two young ladies totally flummoxed me!

They were looking into the ditch from the boardwalk, between the two hides and wanted help identifying a creature they had seen. I was unable to help them, not knowing much about pond life myself, but never one to give up easily I thought I would ask around. Sure enough, another volunteer and his friend ventured out of the hide and all 3 of us lied down along the boardwalk peering into the ditch! Suddenly I saw it again, a small aquatic creature moving along with what looked like tiny pieces of rubbish. What could it be? Well, as you may have already guessed, it was a caddisfly larvae – a favourite of children pond dipping activities apparently.

There are about 7,000 different species of Caddisfly all over the world, so I’m afraid I don’t know which species it was from, but in some species the larvae form webs of debris for protection so I guess that was what it was doing.  I hope this answers the question from the two visitors on Sunday afternoon. (I'm sorry I didn't take your names)

All this, while a Peregrine glided within meters above our heads! Where’s the camera when you need it!


Happy Wildlife Watching!

Debbie Gilbert People Engagement Volunteer Greylake Reserve