This week the wardening team and its day volunteers have been making excellent progress hedge laying at Fivehead (near Swell Wood). We look forward to watching its progress and are hoping for vigorous regrowth in the spring - perhaps the Brown Hairstreaks will find it to their liking.
Annie and Dave hedge laying (Helen Williams)
Whilst dragging the brash to the fire, I came across the slimy and vividly blue Verdigris Agaric (below) along the woodland edge. It’s cap is peppered with small white fragments which are remnants of the partial veil (a thin membrane which covers the spore-bearing surface of the mushroom while it is developing in the ground).
Verdigris Agaric (Helen Williams)
We’ve been raising the water levels at Greylake in preparation for influxes of wintering wildfowl such as ducks, snipe and lapwing which in turn attract peregrine falcons. Keep a look out for bearded reedlings from the viewing screen on the reedbed loop and listen out for squealing water rails foraging in the reeds.
Helen and Paul manipulating the water levels higher (Annie Pickering)
A male bearded reedling (this one photographed at Radipole Lake at the week-end) (David Miller)
Please keep us updated and share your sightings of wildlife at Greylake, West Sedgemoor and Swell Wood to add to our records which are important for making informed management decisions. Have a good week and we look forward to hearing what you’ve seen on our reserves. Our next Big Wetland Duck Watch is on Saturday 16th December 2017. Please see our website for further details.
Helen Williams