Due to the recent floods, the situation has been revised with regard to visiting Greylake Reserve. The car park is partly accessible but we ask you to park considerately as there are fewer spaces available than usual. You will need to exit the car park using the same way as you came in. We also advise that you plan your trip carefully, taking into account road closures. Road routes that are currently closed are listed on the BBC website on the Somerset page.  Please do check before travelling. http://www.bbc.co.uk/travelnews/somerset

Wildlife seen this week from the viewing area, included flocks of Lapwing and Golden Plover on the flooded fields on the opposite side of the road. This flock included a white Lapwing and 6 Dunlin. Please take care on the slope to the viewing area, as it is very wet underfoot. The steps are NOT accessible at the current time. Smaller birds visit the bird tables and these attract finches and tits as well as Reed Buntings and Pied Wagtails. Look out for Redwings in the flocks of Fieldfare too. Do send us any photos of the wildlife you see.  greylake@rspb.org.uk  

We have closed the reserve for your own safety.  Please do not enter the reserve trails during flood events.   Let's hope the floods subside soon!

The photos below were taken on Thursday 9January 2014


Debbie Gilbert People Engagement Volunteer Greylake Reserve