No crazy morning bird surveys and a bit of rain seem to have helped quell my hay fever to more manageable levels this week, but even as I sit inside writing this blog I’m still having to blow my nose every five minutes or so!

Picture of grass

Camera RSPB Staff

We finished putting the roof on our makeshift weed-wiper garage yesterday; it’s surprisingly secure despite what it looks like. We’ve also been preparing a new predator gate that’s to be installed at Greylake. We’re replacing the old wooden gate with a metal one and doing our best to figure out how we can keep the electric wire on it without electrifying the whole thing… there haven’t been many volunteers keen to test it out yet!

I also managed to get out to Swell Wood to do a check of the visitor paths and cut back any encroaching vegetation. There wasn’t too much that needed doing, but a small tree has fallen onto the Fivehead meadow trail that we can hopefully get to next week. It seems like only yesterday that the ground was a blanket of bluebells, and while it’s sad they’re gone, the meadow at Fivehead is really coming into to its own now with more species than I can count.

Picture of tree over path.

Camera RSPB Staff

And finally, my placement here at West Sedgemoor has come to a close; it’s my last day (and blog!) here today. I’ve had a fantastic time and met some really wonderful people, and while I’m sad to leave I’m also excited for what’s next. There have been many great moments, but a few highlights of the past six months for me include my first crane sighting (which just so happened to be a flock of 47 soaring overhead!), not to mention the thousands and thousands of lapwing and golden plover filling the sky here in the winter, plus a cheeky visit from a white-tailed eagle!

Picture of West Sedgemoor

Camera Will Russell

All the best.


West Sedgemoor Residential Volunteering team