You never can tell what the weather is going to be like when you step out the door, I’m forever taking off and putting on layers!

You may remember that earlier in the year we did some coppicing and tree thinning around Swell Wood. Well now we’re back and installing some deer fencing around the plot to stop the new shoots being grazed. We’ve been digging in the posts, adding struts, and tensioning the wire. It’s almost finished, with just a small section left to tension and a door to add!

Deer fencing at Swell Wood.

Camera RSPB Staff

It’s been nice to spend some time at Swell Wood after all the hedge-laying we’ve been doing, especially now as the forest floor stirs to life with bluebellsprimrose, and wood anemone among other things. It’s a welcome sight and I’m excited to see what else will appear as the months roll by.

Bluebells at Swell Wood

Camera RSPB Staff

Next week we'll be starting some of our survey work which should hopefully be a lot of fun!


West Sedgemoor Residential Volunteering team