If you missed our Optical Showcase on Sunday 17th November when our new hide was unveiled, then now is the time to see it.

Thanks to a Hide Naming Competition by children from Westonzoyland Community Primary School, the old hide has been re-named, the Lookout.  And now known as the Treehouse, we have a great new hide raised on stilts, which provides another great viewing area.  The lead up to it along a raised boardwalk, is lined either side with willow withies.  Water rail can be heard giving out their 'pig squeal' call and if you are really lucky you might even see one.  Come along at the weekends, when we have volunteers on hand to point out the vast range of birds and other wildlife that call Greylake their winter home.  

Stoats, foxes, water voles and harvest mice are here all year round and now is good time to become a nature detective and discover their footprints around the reserve.  Our Information Trailer in the picnic area has a great range of identification leaflets including how to identify mammal tracks and signs as well as other wildlife.

Spending time at our hides, you'll notice lots of ducks, teal and wigeon being the most commonly seen in winter.  Have a chat to our volunteers at the weekends, to help you find and identify these and many other birds, including peregrine falcons, hen harriers and kestrels hunting around the reserve.

Happy wildlife watching.

Becky Thorpe, Assistant Warden