Hello from a very, very wet Greylake, West Sedgemoor and Swell Wood.

We've been suffering this week from what I like to call 'apocalyptic rain'. The sort of rain that can knock you off your feet, cause flash flooding and general destruction. I was driving on the A303 on Tuesday when it came down and had to pull over in a lay by for 10 minutes because I couldn't see the road and I wasn't the only one. I was luckier on Wednesday and was in the house when it happened. Then on Thursday, the rain started and it didn't stop. It never got quite as heavy but I was still rather soggy by the end of the day. I didn't want to take my phone out for a picture during the worst of the weather, but I took this of a rather gloomy Greylake from the willow screen on Friday.

The blog this week will be a little shorter than normal because I have only worked for two days. I was taking some much needed time off at the beginning of the week.

I'll start with an update on our Robin nest. It looks like only one chick hatched, although it's hard to see in the darkness. The other one could be hiding back there. The chick is doing well and is now feathered up. This picture was taken on Thursday, when it was about six days old.

The swallows and pied wagtails seem to still be on eggs. I had a look for the pied wagtail nest in the shed but can't find it. When the chicks hatch and the adults are going in and out more often, it will be easier to follow where they go and spot the nest.

I did find another nest though, this one at Greylake. It just shows you how the wildlife took advantage of our quiet reserves and made nests close to the paths. I assume this is a reed warbler nest, although the chicks had fledged before I found it. It was incredible to see how they made such a perfect cup shape and attached it to the reeds. If you go to Greylake, it's on the path back towards the carpark, on the left, about half way down (ish).

I had a little bit of trouble on Friday with the Greylake swans. They have decided that the path near the dipping platform is a great place to come out of the water and preen or rest. I came across them and they got very angry when I tried to go past, obviously wanting to protect their six tiny cygnets. In the end I waited and they moved off. I you do run into them, please enjoy watching them but take care and try not to stress them out too much. They have also made a mess of the path, so you'll see the evidence of them even if they aren't there! If they're not on the path, they'll probably in the water nearby, as they were when I walked by later on. 

  Swans preening on the path

  Swans in the water

That's all from me this week. Stay dry and keep well until next time.


P.S. All photos by me

West Sedgemoor Residential Volunteering team