During our Optical Showcase today, we've had great views of yellow wagtails from the hide, (best seen out of the right hand windows on entering the hide).  A stunning 'canary yellow' male has obligingly perched out on fence posts and clumps of rush, singing it's short sweet chirrup.  If you've not seen one of these migratory, summer visiting wagtails before, then now is the time to do so!

Stoats are a regular visitor to the boardwalks at Greylake, too.  So if you are really lucky you might catch a glimpse of one! 

And the spell of warm weather has enticed dragonflies to emerge at last after a very long, cold start to spring!  Four Spotted Chasers and Hairy Dragonflies are on the wing.  Look out for our guided walk at Greylake this summer to hunt for dragonflies, damselflies and butterflies.  You'll be able to get close up to these brightly coloured insects with magnifying pots supplied on our walks (check the website for booking details).  The Hairy Dragonfly as the name suggests, is the only dragonfly to have a hairy 'body' or thorax and emerges in May.  It is nationally rare but the Somerset Levels is one of the best places to see it.

Many flowers are sprouting open in this warmer weather, including Celery Leaved Buttercup and Cuckoo Flower (or Lady's Smock as it is sometimes called), with its pastel pink petals.

And finally, it has been well worth the wait, to see several cygnets hatched from the mute swan nest by the hide at Greylake.  Bring your family to come and meet this new swan family this Bank Holiday Weekend!   

Enjoy this sunny weather and get closer to nature!