Bitterns boomed, cetti's chirped, and a marsh harrier swooped low over the reeds not long after Warden Steve and I arrived at Greylake on Monday morning. We were out there to cut back a little willow scrub that was encroaching onto the predator fence and open up some views of the reserve at the same time.

 Picture of willow scrub.

Picture of view after willow coppiced.

Camera RSPB Staff

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were all spent at our favourite hedge, and shockingly we’re actually at the laying stage now! Fortunately, things seem to be moving along a lot quicker than when we were just removing bramble.

It’s mostly blackthorn that we’re laying: we cut near to the base, most of the way through the stem using either a bill hook or pruning saw. If we’re lucky it falls gently into place, and if we’re not (which is most often the case!), we have to wrestle it from the other trees that it’s managed to tangle itself up in. Once laid, we try to wrap the branches in and around the other fallen trees to keep the whole hedge sturdy and prevent it blowing apart.

 Picture of hedge before laying.

Picture of hedge after laying.

Camera RSPB Staff

We’ve done a lot of hedge work this week, but there’s still more to go, as well as the other hedge further down the drove. See you next time.


West Sedgemoor Residential Volunteering team