Sightings Log

This thread is for the very latest wildlife sightings from Nagshead and Highnam Woods. Please feel free to add your own sightings and photos from the reserves here also. If you have any queries or would like further information, please email us directly at

  • Nagshead 10-04-2014

    The first male Pied Flycatcher of the year along the roped path to Lower Hide late morning. Also a Hawfinch near Campbell Hide late afternoon and a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker reported in Russell's Inclosure.

  • Nagshead 11-04-2014

    Russell's Inclosure:

    More migrant arrivals this morning with our first two singing Redstarts in oak woodland in Russell's Inclosure. Also two singing Tree Pipits on the clearing there.

  • Nagshead 16-04-2014


    Short Trail:

    2 Singing Pied Flycatchers and a male Redstart.


    Highnam Woods 16-04-2014


    A singing Nightingale on the nature trail just beyond the car park (first of the year).

  • Nagshead 17-04-2014


    Short Trail:

    2 singing Pied Flycatchers, a Hawfinch and a Holly Blue butterfly.


    Long Trail:

    6 Crossbills and a Peacock butterfly at the heath.

  • Nagshead 07-05-2014

    Pied Flycatchers are now well spread around the Short Trail and Lower Hide area. Singing Redstarts can also be found on Short Trail and at Lower Hide. A singing Wood Warbler is in mixed woodland just beyond the quarry on Long Trail. Singing Garden Warblers can be found at Nursery Pond and at the heath on Long Trail. A family of six Crossbills were seen at the heath on 04-05-2014.

    The first Broad-bodied Chaser and Large Red Damselflies are now out at the Nursery Pond.

  • Nagshead 29-05-2014


    Pied Flycatcher:

    Pairs around Short Trail and Lower Hide area.



    2 pairs on Short Trail, 3 singing males in Lower Hide area.


    Wood Warbler:

    Singing male in mixed woodland on the north side of the heath on Long Trail, 2 singing males along the Gloucestershire Way beyond the furthest point of Short Trail.


    Tree Pipit:

    Singing male at the Heath on Long Trail, singing male at the bottom of Nursery Meadows.


    Spotted Flycatcher:

    Pairs on both nature trails and at Lower Hide.


    Also Common Twayblade and Common Spotted Orchids can be found on the Nursery Meadows.

  • Nagshead 04-07-2014



    Male in the Lower Hide area.


    Pied Flycatcher:

    Juvenile bathing from Campbell Hide.


    Spotted Flycatcher:

    Pair feeding fledged young on Short Trail.


    Silver-washed Fritillary:

    2 fresh individuals around the Visitor Centre/car park.


    Fallow Deer:

    Doe at Lower Hide.

  • Nagshead 10-07-2014


    Lower Hide area:

    A pair of Redstarts with fledged young, two Grey Wagtails (female and juvenile), a Kingfisher, two Fallow Deer and a Fox.


    Car park area:

    At least two Silver-washed Fritillaries feeding on thistle and bramble flowers.

  • Nagshead 22-07-2014


    Lower Hide area:

    A male Pied Flycatcher in subsong, a Spotted Flycatcher and a Grey Wagtail.


    Short Trail:

    Two Hawfinches, two family parties of Spotted Flycatchers.


    Car park area:

    Two Silver-washed Fritillaries.

  • Nagshead 15-08-2014


    Lower Hide area:

    A Kingfisher showing very well, catching dragonfly nymphs from the top pond. Also a family of Spotted Flycatchers.


    Short Trail:

    A family party of Spotted Flycatchers and a Hawfinch.


    Long Trail:

    A family group of Wild Boar and a Fallow Deer reported.