A fantastic number of thrushes can currently be seen around Nagshead feeding on the abundance of berries. There is a small rowan at the back of the car park which is being defended by the Mistle Thrush below. The Mistle Thrush has a real battle on its hands, I watched at least five Blackbirds raiding the berries every time the Mistle had its back turned!


 Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus, RSPB Nagshead (Photo: Lewis Thomson)

There are also large numbers of Redwings on the reserve at the moment, the best places to see these Scandinavian visitors are on the hawthorns as you turn into the reserve and around the holly trees along the hard track just beyond the Campbell hide sign. There have been at least 40 stripping berries here, some of which have even been heard singing! Flocks of Fieldfares, another Scandinavian visitor, can be seen passing overhead on most days, listen out for their 'chuck chuck chuck' flight calls. Song Thrushes are fairly common on the reserve, a good area to look for this species at the moment is around the bright red viburnum berries next to the nursery meadows pond, Bullfinches have also been seen feeding here.


 Redwing - Turdus iliacus, RSPB Nagshead (Photo: Lewis Thomson)

We are running two Winter Wander guided walks in the next week, one at Highnam Woods on November 27th and one at Nagshead on December 4th, if you would like to join us and see some of the fantastic wildlife that spends winter on the reserves then please do get in touch by ringing the office on 01594 562852 or emailing us at nagshead@rspb.org.uk. The walks will take place from 11am until 1pm and booking is essential. Price: Members £2, non-members £4, children FREE.