At Nagshead: With the young birds fledging, it is getting increasingly difficult to see our summer migrants. Pied flycatchers in particular are starting to move on. I heard one in the carpark just yesterday, which is a most unusual place for them to be sighted. Talk about an easy sighting, but alas there were no visitors around at that time to witness it! Not as striking as the pied, is the spotted flycatcher - a still lovely bird. There is a family nesting in the dead oak by the lower hide.
There is still plenty of wildlife to be seen, as this is the peak time for invertebrates. Just today I have seen painted lady, speckled wood, common blue, red admiral and the delightful, but steeply declining small pearl bordered fritillary. Dragonflies and damselflies are also numerous at present, with the huge blue bodied, broad-bellied chaser being one of the most conspicuous. Remember it is only the males that are blue, the females appear a browny-yellow. Also be sure to take in the wildflowers in the meadow. Common-spotted orchids, common vetch, germander speedwell, tormentil and sheep sorrel contribute to a very colourful habitat. Grasshoppers and crickets are stridulating away and it truly feels like summer (well it would do if it didn't keep raining!). Fallow deer, wild boar and fox have all been sighted lately.
For those who are more adventurous, try exploring after dark and be rewarded with the sound of tawny owl, nightjar and woodcock, and witness the bats flitting about your head. Alternatively join us on our nocturnal nighjar walk on the 10th July. We held one just last weekend, with amazing views and sounds of nightjars. One even landed on the tree next to where we where standing, and it doesn't get much better than that!
It was great to find & join this group.
My wife & I were at Nagshead briefly last year and loved it.
Unfortunately,we didn't have a lot of time as we were just passing through Forest of Dean (came to look at the railway,which was closed).
But we saw enough to fall in love with the place!
Best wishes to all in the group.