At Nagshead: The first nightjars of the season were seen yesterday (13/5) on Farmers Green. These crepuscular birds prefer scrubby or heathland habitat and will move away once succession progresses to closed forest.

If you would like to see these mysterious animals in action, please join us on one of our Nightjar Walks. The three dates are 12/6, 23/6 and 10/7. Call the office on 01594 562852 to book.

Other birds hanging out at Farmers Green include tree pipit, willow and garden warbler, chiffchaff and redstart. A cuckoo was also heard in the vicinity.   

At Highnam: Don't forget that the Nightingale singing season is a short one, so with only two or three weeks left make an effort to get down there and enjoy the birdsong!