Well, it did anyway whether we liked it or not - there was me thinking that moving 400 miles south might mean I escaped the white stuff. I'm secretly glad it hasn't, it was such a beautiful morning, it's always great to get out and see what tracks I can find! The sunshine this afternoon seems to have shifted the snow pretty quickly though.

It didn't take me long this morning to decide that I really did need to make sure there was plenty of food at Highnam Woods for the weekend, and when I saw the blue skies I thought I should go and make the most of it. I'm glad I did, a lovely walk around the trail, which although it is getting muddy now is still passable in walking boots (just)! My walk was accompanied by the sounds of nuthatch, long-tailed tit and blue and great tits, I also disturbed a jay which went squawking into the trees.  

There were plenty of birds at the feeding station, including at least 4 marsh tit and a coal tit, along with copious blue and great tits. As I approached the hide there was a nuthatch on one of the tables showing off for a photographer, and apparently I'd just missed a couple of great spotted woodpecker too. I did just catch a glimpse of a sparrowhawk as it swooped over  the feeders and headed off into the woods with something for it's lunch - amazing!

We also saw a buzzard and a raven in the trees beside the A40, beautiful!

I'm going to be leading a guided walk at Highnam on 27th Dec, would be delighted if you'd join us - have a look at the reserve webpage for events details, and how to book. Or if you would like to be a little more hands-on, why not join us for the work party on Wednesday
