Twenty-seven of our 400 nestboxes at Nagshead have been occupied by pied flycatchers this breeding season. This is an improvement on last years 21, and it has meant that most visitors have witnessed these charming birds flitting in and out of boxes or between the trees. The males being so strikingly piebald are easy to see against the green of leaves!

Spotted flycatchers are somewhat more difficult to view being plain in colour and having an indistinct call which is akin to newly hatched chicks (it doesn't help that they arrive when many species have young in the nest!). Still, finding one makes it all the more worthwhile! We have around six pairs at Nagshead with the best chance of seeing one to be had out of Lower Hide. They can often be seen swooping to catch insects and returning to the same perch. This is behaviour that makes them instantly recognisable despite the drab appearance.

Very good views of crossbills were had last week. A female had come down to feed on (presumably) on the seeds on the path at the top of the Long Trail. The usual diet of these birds consists of conifer seeds and hence they are most often witnessed in this area, where there is a plantation abutting the heath.

Small pearl-bordered fritillary butterflies are a species which is declining throughout England. However they seem to be doing well on the reserve this year. Habitat management to increase its larval food plants (marsh and dog violets) must be reaping benefits, as last year only three individuals were counted at the same time. This butterfly can be identified by the numerous 'pearls' on the underside of its hindwing.

We are holding a nightjar walk this weekend (11 June). If you are not able to make it along to this, we are repeating this event on Wednesday 22 June. These birds start making a fantastic noise just as dusk is approaching. If you have never witnessed this before, it really should not be missed. There is the chance of catching up with our other night-time residents including woodcock, tawny owl, deer and even perhaps the elusive wild boar! Call the office on 01594 562852 to book your space or e-mail