On the surface it may seem a little on the quiet side at Nagshead at this time of year, but some great wildlife has been seen recently. There has been a family party of Hawfinches hanging around the car park area for a week or so and Crossbills can still be seen around the heath on the Long Trail. Look out for any Rowan trees with ripening berries as a variety of birds, including Hawfinches, will begin feeding on these in late summer. A Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail have also been seen in the past week from Lower Hide, presumably they take a d-tour from patrolling the Cannop Brook to visit the ponds here.
 Rosebay Willowherb Epilobium angustifolium, RSPB Nagshead (Photo: Lewis Thomson)
Tree Pipits have been spending a lot of time feeding on the rich insect life in the meadows and Garden Warblers and Blackcaps can be seen feeding on Blackberries and other fruiting scrub around the edges. The meadows are looking superb, particularly the top section which is currently vivid pink with flowering Rosebay Willowherb. Golden-ringed Dragonflies, Southern Hawkers, Beautiful Demoiselles, Emerald Damselflies, Silver-washed Fritillaries and Purple Hairstreaks are just some of the fantastic insect species that have been recorded in the past week. There have also been regular sightings of the elusive Wild Boar and Fallow Deer, including does with tiny fawns, from both of the hides on the reserve.
Why not come and visit us and see what you can find, or just enjoy a gentle stroll under the impressive ancient Oak canopy!