It's a little chilly out there, but very beautiful with the winter sunshine out on both reserves.

The tits at Highnam were out in force, so I was glad I was able to top the feeders up for them. A nuthatch was eager to snaffle some of the seed and successfully kept the table to herself for a while. I had wonderful views of a buzzard too. It seemed to be happy enough with me being around, and was keeping low in the trees around the feeders as well as out towards the carpark. I heard a woodpecker gently pecking on deadwood in search of insects too, a wonderful sound.

If anyone visits Russel's Inclosure at Nagshead you may notice some on going work over the next couple of weeks. There is a very dense area of oak, which is being thinned. This will help give the remaining trees some space to grow out a little which will help strengthen them. The same contractors are going to widen some of the rides (path edges) for us at the same time, hopefully creating some nice areas which will catch the sun, some of the ground plants to flourish and attract invertebrates which will be great.