Despite the at times, cold and showery weather summer migrants are returning to the reserve. Wheatear, ring ouzel and sand martins arrived last week. The photo here is of a wheatear in the field next to the visitor centre, seen on the 7th April.

Curlew have been back for a few weeks now and are displaying. Lapwing numbers seem to be down this year, we will be starting our surveys next week and will have more data. The first black grouse lek count of the year has shown that numbers, as expected are low, only 23 males were found. The poor weather last summer has resulted in low productivity for several species.The mute swans are nesting in front of the viewing screen on Tindale Tarn, if we have heavy rain in the next couple of months this nest will not survive.

Reed buntings, chaffinches and goldfinches are visiting the feeders at the visitor centre at Stagsike. Highlights of the week have been a passing red kite and osprey.