TWO new hedgehog hotels have appeared in upper Teesdale this week thanks to RSPB Geltsdale and Denton Woodcraft.


They are located at  the Forest of Teesdale Primary School and AONB’s Bowlees Visitor Centre and means families of hedgehogs will now have a better chance of getting through tough winters in cosy new winter homes.


Children at the school will add their hotel to their growing nature garden and Bowlees Visitor Centre’s new home will go alongside a raft of new bird and bat homes.


Sam Finn, from the AONB Partnership, said: “Our WildWatch project encourages people to get out and about and record what wildlife they see so we can get a better of understanding of what’s here in the North Pennines. We just hope that with this new addition we’ll be able to add a few more families of hedgehogs to that list.”

Andrew Harrison, class teacher at Forest of Teesdale School, said: “We have been looking at our environment and despite living in such a wonderfully rural area you don’t always notice the detail so the hedgehog homes will help the children get a real connection to wildlife

Jill J