Talented schoolchildren have created a wooden seat with a difference to show some of the birds which make their home at RSPB Geltsdale - thanks to help from a local artist.

The pupils, from Hallbankgate Primary School, worked with artist and wood sculptor Alister Neville to learn about birds which can be found on the reserve, such as black grouse, golden plover, lapwing, whooper swans and red kites.

After discovering how RSPB Geltsdale provides a home for a variety of nature, the children helped Alister to draw and carve images of birds onto the seat.

Carved from locally sourced green oak, the seat will remain at the reserve and be positioned on the route between the Geltsdale Visitor Centre and Howgill Cottages.

Philippa Maleney, headteacher at Hallbankgate Primary School, said: “Through the process of making the seat, the children have learnt about local birds and experienced a traditional craft.

“It was particularly interesting to watch the interaction between the children and the artists throughout the creative development.”

The seat is a lasting reminder of Geltsdale’s Explore Moor Project, funded by the Big Lottery’s Access to Nature fund and facilitated by Julie Willenbruch, in her position as Geltsdale’s Community Outreach Officer

Jill J