An exhibition of watercolour paintings related to birds of the wilder parts of our islands – moorland, burn, estuary and rock. This exhibition includes paintings finished on the spot, sketchbook pages and work completed in the studio.

“Working directly from nature is exciting but challenging, particularly when painting birds as they are usually too far away to see without a telescope, move too fast, and don’t stay long in one place. I work outside in all weathers, using a telescope to get “close” to the birds I am painting. I love the experience of being still for long periods of time – waiting for the encounters which come with patience and serendipity. I’m drawn to places on the edge – particularly the small rocks and islands of our amazing coastline. I have spent time on the Bass rock painting gannets, on the Treshnish islands - guillemots razorbills and shags, and closer to home at St Abb’s Head , the Farnes and Lindisfarne. “

Rosie Villiers-Stuart has exhibited widely in England and Scotland , with both solo and mixed exhibitions. She has also been Artist in Residence at Caerlaverock Wildfowl and Wetland Trust’s reserve. Her work can be seen at:

Jill J