Autumn migration is in full swing here, but westerly gales yesterday didn’t bring anything unusual that has been found yet. Pink-footed geese skeins have been seen today, heading west, barnacle geese should be going over soon. There has been an increase in the number of wigeon and teal on Tindale Tarn over the last week and numbers will start to increase as more wildfowl return.  No sign of redwings and fieldfares passing over yet, they will be here any day now. What is less usual, is there seems to be a bit of a movement west of song thrushes today, only in small numbers. Meadow pipits are still here, won’t be long until they go. Stonechats are also around in numbers, some will stay through the winter (as long as the weather is not too harsh).

Some summer visitors are still here, house martin, swallow and chiffchaff have all be seen on the reserve today, it is getting late for us. As black grouse finish moulting they are being seen more regularly, but still difficult to find. In contrast, red grouse have had a good breeding season and can been seen and heard easily.