Forester Charlie Parker and his pony Dolly removed timber from the side of Tindale Tarn on Thursday 1 August.  The timber was cut with the help of RSPB volunteers, who teamed up with Charlie and his pony to complete the task.

The banks of Tindale Tarn are saturated and extremely soft, prohibiting the removal of the timber using heavy machinery. Only the recent dry weather has allowed the removal of timber by this traditional method.

Charlie has been a forester since 1971 and he breeds and regularly uses his Dales ponies for the removal of timber or “snigging”.   

In the past, Dales ponies have been used as pack ponies, bred for their strength and endurance, which was needed for the long hours spent transporting heavy goods, such as coal. 

Many thanks to Sean Donockley for his permission to use his superb photograph.

Jill J