Though there are few trees on the reserve, there are a couple of mixed conifer woods near the tarn.  For one of our tasks, staff and volunteers set about splitting logs from felled larch.  It was only possible to move these logs to the current site this Summer when conditions fringing the tarn became dry enough and this was ably done by Dolly, the Dales pony.  Great consideration is taken prior to any fellling, though the reason here was to open up an area to link with the meadow or elsewhere for nesting wader birds.  Taking in all the relevant health and safety requirements, Belinda busily chainsawed the logs into manageable pieces for us all to split up with axes!   A job done with great gusto.  Anyone can join our merry band of Wednesday Work Party Volunteers.  Find out what tasks are coming up and more by calling Belinda Lloyd, Farmland Warden Assistant on 01697 746717, or email

Away from the reserve, we also look after Gelt Wood and Coombe Crag (near Hadrian's Wall long distance path).  Both are popular ancient woods attracting runners, walkers and members of the public.  Following on from the storm last Thursday night, it was part of Ian and Belinda's duty to review them for any resulting damage where only a couple of minor clearances were required at Coombe Crag. 

Geltsdale is made up of a mosaic of habitats:  higher ground blanket bog, wetlands of hay meadow and rush, woodland pasture and  valleys - all supporting wader birds, black grouse and many other wildlife along with it.  Grazing sheep and Blue Grey cattle among the farmland help create varying ground vegetation for breeding lapwing, redshank and curlew in the Spring and Summer.  For anyone who hasn't visited, there are a choice of short and long walking trails to explore and take in the views offered.

Vandana Lake

Residential Volunteer

RSPB Geltsdale, Cumbria