Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is well and staying safe in these difficult times. We here at the reserves know how much access to natural spaces can mean to people, and are continuing to do our best to operate as normally as possible. At the same time we do have to remain Covid-19 secure, which does place some restrictions on what is possible. With the approaching winter weather there will be fresh challenges ahead too. So please be aware of the current situation at the reserves.

The visitor centre at Frampton Marsh is not open. You will usually find staff on duty to welcome you either on the veranda of the centre, or just inside the door. Please show your membership cards or pay your entry fees with the staff on duty.
In bad weather we may not staff the welcome at all, though the reserve (and toilets) will still be open. 
On the first Tuesday of each month the welcome (and toilets) will not be open until 12pm, to allow for staff meetings. The reserve will still be open, please check in on your return.

Car parks
All the car parks are open, at both sites. 

Reserve Trails
All the trails are opened, 24 hours a day. There are new gates in various places at Frampton Marsh. Please close these behind you, as it will keep the new breeding area free from ground-based predators. Please also be considerate of other visitors. If you want to stop to look at something, get off the path so that others can get by whilst maintaining the 2 metres distancing. There are no one-way systems, we have cut the paths to be wide enough for everyone to get by.

All the hides are now reopened, with visitors being asked to wear a face covering whilst inside.
There are capacity limits in place, clearly marked on the outside of each hide. There is a maximum of 10 adults inside 360 Hide, 8 in East Hide, and 5 in Reedbed hide, or the hide at Freiston Shore. Please be aware of other visitors, and make way for those newly arrived and looking to use the hide.
Hand sanitiser has been provided for your use in each hide.
Please do not move the benches, they have been positioned to allow for social distancing, and to not block access to the accessible windows which wheelchair users would need to view from.

The toilets at Frampton will be open between 10 am and 4 pm daily (with the exception of the first Tuesday of the month, as mentioned above). There are three toilets, one of which is accessible. Please check with the staff on duty if the loos are free and, if not, queue in a socially distant fashion outside. To comply with Covid regulations we will have to close the toilets at 12 and 2 pm in order to clean them.Please remain patient during this time, we will get them open again as quickly as we can whilst not skimping on the cleaning.

Subject to staffing, we hope to offer limited takeaway refreshments between 10 am and 4 pm. We can offer Americano coffee (made fresh with our fantastic Love Nature coffee beans) and teas (English breakfast, Earl Grey, peppermint, red berry or decaff). We do have powdered almond milk available for our vegan and lactose-intolerant visitors. A variety of cans or cartons of cold drinks are also available. We also have Pipers crisps and a variety of prepackaged cakes and biscuits. Please make your order with the staff on duty, and pay with a contactless card or device. 
We regret that we are currently unable to offer filled rolls, ice creams, or the more exotic coffees like we usually do.

Track and Trace
It is a mandatory requirement to take part in the Track and trace scheme at Frampton Marsh. If you come into the area of the reserve where you would have to pay an entry fee, purchase refreshments, or use the toilets, please either scan the QR code with your NHS covid-19 app, or fill in one of the contact slips and post them in the box provided. All data will be securely held in accordance with GDPR.

Entry Fees
The access fee of £1 per car for non-members is in force at Freiston Shore. Likewise at Frampton Marsh we are back to charging the full entry price of £2 per adult and £1 per child (first child in a family and any under 5's go free). Still very good value, I'm sure you will agree. And remember, it all goes towards making the reserve the fantastic place to visit it is. 

We will update this information if anything changes. In the meantime, enjoy the reserve and stay safe everyone!

Reedbed, freshwater scrapes, saltmarsh and wet meadow. Frampton Marsh has it all! Come and pay us a visit soon.