Well it’s worth a mention about the campaigning that we do which can cause some lords to leap about! Having over a million members really gives the RSPB a foot to stand on and we take our campaigning seriously. One of the most recent campaigns was related to farming for wildlife and the funding farmers get for managing their land in an environmentally friendly way. Over 10,000 RSPB supporters emailed David Cameron asking him to not cut funding for wildlife friendly farming during the campaign.

Often campaigns are collaborations between the RSPB and other conservation organisations to encourage as many people as possible to get on board and form a resounding voice for nature. The “Say No to Hunterston” campaign brought together a coalition of local people, environmental organisations and faith groups in a coordinated effort to halt the development of a coal fired power station. This development would have destroyed a large area of a nationally protected wildlife site, and would have compromised the Scottish Government’s ambitious climate change targets. The four year campaign ended in success when plans for the site were withdrawn after over 20,000 objections from the public.

March in London- David Levenson (rspb-images.com)

There have been many successes over the years and it wouldn’t have been possible without your support. If you fancy yourself as a bit of a campaigner then get involved! You can choose to do as much or as little as you like from writing a letter at home or sending an email to taking your message directly to your MP. It’s important that MPs and other decision makers take action for nature and realise that environmental issues are important. Go to our campaigns page to learn more at http://www.rspb.org.uk/supporting/campaigns/