Starting this month, we are asking our visitors to Frampton Marsh to make sure they pop into the visitor centre when they arrive. The reason being that we are rolling out entry wristbands for visitors.

Many RSPB sites (and wildlife trust, National Trust, and many other similar organisations) use some form of identification to show when visitors have been through the welcome desk. It helps determine visitor numbers, and distinguish between those people who may need welcoming and those who have been met already. Stickers are a common way of doing this. But in the cold and wet stickers can often unstick, and leave litter. Therefore we are going to use paper wristbands.

So next time you visit, if you are going onto the parts of the reserve you would normally pay an entry fee for (ie the Reedbed Trail and the path to East Hide), please remember to call into the visitor centre and pick up yours! If you arrive before the centre opens do call in on your return and let us know. The wristbands are single use, but can be dropped into our recycling bin when you leave.

Thank you!

Reedbed, freshwater scrapes, saltmarsh and wet meadow. Frampton Marsh has it all! Come and pay us a visit soon.