The half-term holidays start on Friday and we’ve got some great events lined up for you to keep the children entertained! From Friday 14 February-Sunday 23 February there’s a treasure trail running around the reserve. Follow the clues to find out how wildlife finds love and then answer the questions to win a prize. Just pop into the visitor 10am-4pm to pick up an answer sheet at a cost of £1 each.
On Sunday 16 February love is in the air, well our love for nature anyway!! Come along to the visitor centre to join in our Lovebirds family funday where you can make a nest box, create a tissue paper flower and lots more. The event runs from 10.30am-3.30pm and is £3 per child. On Sunday we also have a Winter Wildlife walk at 2pm where you can go on a stroll around the reserve and your guide will point out the wildlife on view to you. £2 per child, £4 per adult and RSPB members are half price. Please note booking is essential for this event.
There’s a Birds for kids course on Wednesday 19 Feb where the little ones can learn all about how to tell which bird is which. There are sessions at 11am and 2pm at a cost of £2 per child and 50p for adults, RSPB members are half price. Please note booking is essential.
Kids looking for wildlife- Rahul Thanki
For further information or to book please call 01205 724678 or email us at
You can also find a list of our events at
As well as it being half-term and Valentines day, Friday is also the start of National Nestbox week. This is organised by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and people are encouraged to put up nestboxes in their gardens to help our breeding birds. Natural nest sites are fast disappearing and so birds are relying more on nestboxes put up by us. With that in mind, why not come along to our funday on Sunday to build your own nestbox and put it up in your garden!
Nestbox in a garden- Eleanor Bentall
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