Apologies for the quiet couple of weeks; I've been away. Now I'm back (with a vengence) to let you know why Frampton Marsh is worth a visit this weekend!
Recent sightings:
Marsh harrier - 2 seen over the saltmarsh this morning and 1 or 2 seen throughout the weekMontagu's harrier - 1 reported hunting over the wet grassland on TuesdayTurtle dove - 1 of these endangered birds has regularly been seen and heard in the hedgerow at FramptonCuckoo - this noisey nest-stealer has also been seen and heard in the hedgreow this weekHobby - 1 reported hunting over the grassland and saltmarsh on WednesdayReed warbler - you have a good chance of seeing these LBJs in the reeds along the path to the hidesSandwich tern - we have had a pair of these coiffured birds on the reedbed since Wednesday but they don't often stay long so you'll need to be quick to see themAvocet - we still have 60+ adults around the site and chicks, some of whom are getting quite big now.Swift - more than 50 seen feeding over the reedbed at one time this weekWood sandpiper - a couple of weeks ago we had quite a few of these waders around, then none at all, but another was spotted on the scrapes yesterday.
Weekend weather:
It looks like an unsettled weekend with a mixture of sunshine, cloud, light and heavy rain predicted.Stronger winds on Saturday and a little warmer on Sunday, with a top temperature of 17degreesC.Clothing recommendation; layers and a waterproof in case of showers.
Tide times:
Just as well I am calling in there today ... ;o)